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Remarks and information and statements required by law

  1. Phase I of Ho Man Tin Station Property Development is situated at “Site B” of Kowloon Inland Lot No.11264. Its Chinese name is “瑜一”, its English name is “IN ONE”. Phase IA forms part of Phase I “IN ONE”. Phase IA comprises Tower 1(1A & 1B) and Tower 2(2A & 2B).
  2. The Vendor reserves the rights to alter the building plans and other plans of Phase IA of Phase I “IN ONE”¹ from time to time, and the design of Phase IA of Phase I “IN ONE”¹ shall be subject to the final plans approved by relevant government authorities.
  3. Adhering to its people-centric philosophy, Chinachem Group concerns the housing demand of citizens, creates sustainable community and dedicates to develop smart city ecosystem in order to bring positive impact to society through a ‘Triple Bottom Line’ approach in balancing People, Prosperity and Planet. Please refer to the details here: https://www.chinachemgroup.com/en

Name of the Phase of the Development: Phase IA¹ of Phase I “IN ONE”¹ of Ho Man Tin Station Property Development (“Development”) (“Phase IA”) | This advertisement is for the promotion of Phase IA only.

District: Ho Man Tin | Name of the street at which Phase IA is situated and the street number: 1 Chung Hau Street | The address of the website designated by the Vendor for Phase IA for the purposes of Part 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance: https://www.inone.com.hk/phaseIA | The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/promotional material represent an artist's impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.

Vendor: MTR Corporation Limited (as “Owner”), Grace Castle Corporation Limited (as “Person so engaged”) (Note: “Owner” means the legal or beneficial owner of the residential properties in Phase IA. “Person so engaged” means the person who is engaged by the Owner to co-ordinate and supervise the process of designing, planning, constructing, fitting out, completing and marketing Phase IA) | Holding company of the Vendor (Owner): Not applicable | Holding companies of the Vendor (Person so engaged): Chinachem Properties Holding Company Limited, Chinachem Group Holdings Limited | Authorized person for Phase IA: LEE Kar-yan, Douglas | The firm or corporation of which the authorized person for Phase IA is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity: Andrew Lee King Fun & Associates Architects Limited | Building contractor for Phase IA: Gammon Engineering & Construction Company Limited | The firms of solicitors acting for the Owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in Phase IA: Deacons, Johnson Stokes & Master, Ford Kwan & Co, Kao, Lee & Yip | Any authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of Phase IA: Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited, Agricultural Bank of China Limited Hong Kong Branch, Hang Seng Bank Limited, United Overseas Bank Limited | Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of Phase IA: Chinachem Group Holdings Limited, Somercotes Limited | The estimated material date for Phase IA to the best of the Vendor's knowledge: 26 July 2024 (“material date” means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of Phase IA. The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase.) | The Vendor reserves the rights to alter the building plans and other plans from time to time. The design of Phase IA is subject to the final approved plans by the relevant Government departments. | The advertisement is published by the Person so engaged with the consent of the Owner. | The Vendor advises prospective purchasers to refer to the sales brochure for any information on Phase IA. Please refer to the sales brochure for details. | As at the date of production of this advertisement/ promotional material, the Vendor has not yet obtained the pre-sale consent from the Director of Lands to enter into agreements for sale and purchase in respect of the residential units, car parking spaces and motor cycle parking spaces of Phase IA. | This advertisement/promotional material is for reference only and does not and shall not constitute or be construed as giving of, any express or implied, contractual term, offer, representation, undertaking or warranty on the part of the Vendor regarding Phase IA or any part thereof. | Date of production: 17 August 2022